Walton Mark No. 161 Installation

The Installation of V.W.Bro. Robert Peter Owen
P.G.J.O as Master of the Walton Lodge of M.M.M.
took place at the Masonic Hall, Garston, Liverpool,
on Wednesday 7th November 2012.
The lodge was honoured by the presence of W.Bro.
Douglas John Forster P.G.Stwd. who was the
representative of the R.W. Prov. Grand Master Bro.
Peter Connolly, and he was accompanied by
W.Bro. Andrew William Dickson Prov.G.S.W.

The R.W. Prov. Grand Masters Special Representative
for the area W.Bro. Derek Alan Horrocks P.G.Std.B.
was also in attendance and he became a joining
member of the Lodge on the night.
The lodge also had the company of V.W.Bro. Eric
Samuel Hughes P.G.J.O. who is the leader of the
  Tuscan charity group.
Above: V.W.Bro. Eric Samuel Hughes P.G.J.O.
W.Bro. Derek Alan Horrocks P.G.Std.Br.
W.Bro. Robert Peter Owen P.G.J.O.
W.Bro. Douglas John Forster P.G.Stwd.
W.Bro. Andrew William Dickson Prov.G.S.W.


Right: The New Worshipful Master
V.W.Bro. Robert Peter Owen P.G.J.O
and the Installing Master W.Bro. Andrew Maginn.
V.W.Bro. Robert Peter Owen P.G.J.O was installed in
a very sincere   manner by the Installing Master
Bro. Andrew Maginn.
V.W.Bro. Owen was well qualified for the office
having been a Mark Mason for over 42 years. He was
Worshipful Master of St George Mark Lodge No553 in
1980, and Tuscan Mark Lodge No1099 in 1986.
He has also in the past served as the R.W. Prov. Grand Masters Special Representatives for twelve years. It
was a real pleasure to see him back in the chair for a third time.
The Brethren have a candidate for the next meeting and they made a very generous donation to Mark
Charities on the night.

The meeting was followed by a very warm and friendly festive board where the hospitality was first class.

Report and Photographs by Andrew Dickson